nation is a group that people created, with a culture to which they
We, members of One People Tribal Nation, offer a united home for all humanity, a new tribe for all people. We pledge to honor, offer our gratitude for and protect our planet. We honor the diversity of all life, all cultures and orientations, sharing teachings, ceremonies and sacred ways. A special welcome is set out for the youth, for they are our future and we are in service to them. Recognizing that rights bring responsiblities with them, we do our best to foster right relationship with our Earth Mother and all who share this planet with us.
People have to start living in harmony with the planet they are inhabiting or pay the price for listening to their own inner dialog instead of being sensitive to Mother Earth's needs. We understand the difficulty modern people will have moving to a sustainable way of life, we will all miss many of the conveniences that we have today, but we should be more disturbed that we are robbing the future generations of a decent life. The way to a decent future for our grand children is based on growth of spirit and respect for the environment. A new way of measuring human progress, one that does not include material accumulations is what we must embrace. Let us have the courage to embrace it.
If you want to be a part of this, --- help us physically, spiritually monetarily or any way you can. It will require cooperation, some help, and lots of energy.
We have spent years collectively gathering the knowledge that will help to pave the way into a sustainable future without infringing on anyone’s culture.
1) Who is One People Tribal Nation?
We are a group of people called and self-selected by an internal urgency to provide the seeds for the change to make a new future possible, representing a new sort of consciousness that recognizes the rights of Nature over the rights of Man.
We are a many-colored tribe of spiritual people who work peacefully to safeguard that which is good and harmonious, that which preserves and honors life.
We are here to fulfill the call of Prophecies, to make a new Tribe that would gather the peoples who will come together to form a New Way, based on Principles of respect for life in all its manifest forms including our mother planet.
2) What is the goal?
To create an organized group of people that will coordinate their efforts to bring an end to the destruction and desecration of Mother Earth and a peace and plenty that could reign through a long, joyous and peaceful golden age here on Mother Earth.
3) Where is the tribal headquarters?
In Albuquerque, New Mexico One People Tribal Nation 3094 Rosendo Garcia Rd SW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87105 Phone:505-349-1851
4) When?
One People Tribal Nation has been organized and has a charter
that can be seen on this site under the tab "nation structure".
We are currently fund-raising and petitioning for the resources
required to manage the project. All donations in the form of
money or talent are worthy contributions.
5) On what grounds is One People Tribal Nation founded?
In the course of history there have always been times when evolution has generated individuals willing to express new collective needs and create a solution in order to promote their survival. These are one of those times.
The people’s names and faces are not as important as their actions and deeds, because Nature, Life itself, calls for the foundation of a new way of living for humanity.